Databases – PRECISE VRE PRECISE Project Virtual Research Environment Tue, 10 Jul 2018 15:56:52 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 PRECISE Stroke TEST Tue, 10 Jul 2018 15:56:52 +0000 This is a description

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Example Database Y Tue, 05 Jun 2018 14:41:41 +0000 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris bibendum volutpat ultrices. Duis venenatis lacinia urna. Pellentesque in sagittis lorem. Cras et elementum nunc. Pellentesque elementum erat congue, ornare purus eu, lacinia velit. Sed ullamcorper turpis quam, sed cursus ante pellentesque a. Mauris laoreet libero magna, ac lobortis elit pellentesque sed. Etiam iaculis vel nisl et tempor. Donec sem ligula, lacinia quis ante eget, volutpat bibendum orci. Fusce ac tristique felis. Sed odio libero, dapibus nec neque vitae, ultrices laoreet augue. Donec auctor eleifend porttitor. Suspendisse malesuada metus nulla, ac accumsan eros placerat a.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam non gravida nisi. Fusce lobortis bibendum ullamcorper. Sed faucibus tempus sapien, at tempus tellus dignissim eget. Suspendisse nec libero ac tellus elementum venenatis sit amet ac ex. Fusce gravida sed ipsum ut semper. Ut mauris justo, blandit in dui nec, euismod consequat neque. Donec sed lectus ipsum. Vestibulum fermentum gravida sapien sit amet vestibulum. Quisque dolor mauris, pharetra in vulputate non, aliquet at quam. Suspendisse in orci at odio fringilla laoreet eu ut nisi.

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PRECISE Stroke Mon, 04 Jun 2018 17:14:02 +0000 About the PRECISE STROKE tool

The main aim of the Stroke task in PAC-PRECISE is to determine stroke biomarkers (clinical, imaging, biochemistry, genetic) valuable to the determination of stroke prognosis and of best secondary stroke prevention. With this in mind, the Precise Stroke tool was planned with the following main goals: 1) Provide means to collect and reunite all stroke data (clinical, imaging, blood samples) from different centers in a central database. 2) Provide means to store, share, relate and analyze the gathered data.


About the PAC PRECISE Project

PRECISE is a joint research program that aims to accelerate progress of Portuguese health care toward the new era of precision medicine. We believe this is the right time to start broadly applying the concept of prevention and treatment strategies that take individual variability into account, so that one day all patients will be offered customized care with treatments that match each individual’s molecular profile and personal history. Find out more at

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