PRECISE program
PRECISE is a joint research program that aims to accelerate progress of Portuguese health care toward the new era of precision medicine. We believe this is the right time to start broadly applying the concept of prevention and treatment strategies that take individual variability into account, so that one day all patients will be offered customized care with treatments that match each individual’s molecular profile and personal history.
The headline goal of PRECISE is treatments precisely tailored to specific molecular targets. To achieve this long- term goal, we designed an ambitious program that will be implemented by interdisciplinary teams formed across 3 partner institutions with core research programs in Medicine (iMM), Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (iBB), and Computers and Information Systems (INESC-ID). PRECISE will capitalize existing expertise, resources and infrastructure available in the partner institutions to foster the generation of new knowledge and to ensure its rapid translation to the benefit of patients and indLibraryustry, through the direct involvement of hospitals, patient advocacy groups and the business sector.
The proposed activities feature the engagement of future users and patients. This makes our activity portfolio highly relevant to societal challenges related to health and the need to move towards more inclusive, innovative and reflective societies.
The PRECISE VRE is a virtual research environment specifically tailored for Precision Medicine that seamlessly integrates medical and biological data. This data is derived from activities of the PRECISE program, data already available in IMM’s Biobank and complementary public data available from external resources.
Critical requirements of this novel e-infrastructure include taking due account of privacy aspects, making use of tools and services from computing infrastructures available at Instituto Superior Técnico and other facilities, fostering cross-disciplinary data interoperability and promoting data sharing and visibility.